President: Martin Carreon
martin@ecodivers.org or n1diver@aol.com
Martin started diving in 1984 and took to it like a hot knife to butter. He soon became a divemaster and worked with various dive shops and local boat charters.  He has been with the club since 1994. He enjoyed getting involved with the beach cleanups and underwater cleanups. He is no stranger to low visibility diving. With membership dwindling in the late 1990's, he took the organizational reins and pushed the club into water monitoring with the help of Charlie Moore of the Algalita Marine Research Foundation. D.I.V.E.R.S. joined the Los Angeles Steering Team for volunteer water monitors and the Citizens Watershed Monitors of Orange County. These cooperative units assist in intercalibration and field training for volunteeers.
Vice President: Richard Sanchez
Richard has been around the block a time or two. He lends a hand when available.
Treasurer/Secretary: Melini Carreon
While Melini has a regular full time job, she helps out in the club's business duties as needed.

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